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Hi, my names blake!

2. Blake - face portrait.jpg

I'm 30 years old and live in Omaha, Nebraska. I am a recently alumni, graduating from the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) in May 2023. My bachelors was in IT Innovation.


For those who do not know what IT Innovation is, a simple explanation is that it is a hands on program that is preparing students for the future. In the IT Innovation major, students learn basic IT skills, such as programming, cyber security, application development, statistics, business practices, etc. In addition, the major allows us freedom to chose any elective class offered by the University, as long as it will help our degree program and give it direction, and as long as it is relevant to the IT Innovation degree. As can be inferred by the diverse catalogue of works in my portfolio, due to the elective classes that ai choose, my IT Innovation experience was really a hodge-podge of multiple disciplines.




The 11 elective classes, which is called the area of emphasis, is where many of my fun and exploratory classes come in. Through my area of emphasis, I took a few journalism classes, an entrepreneurship class, 5 digital art classes, a creative writing class, a philosophy class, and a medievil English class. 


After I graduate, I plan to earn my Masters degree. As for a location, I am set on Iceland. Specifically, I am looking at the University of Iceland, and I am thinking of studying Environment and Natural Resources.


In fact, this whole website is a huge piece of my admission! Most Master programs (from I have seen) require a portfolio that showcases your accomplishments and skills in your bachelors career; that is exactly what this site is becoming! This website started out as just a portfolio for digital art classes, but knowing that I need a portfolio for Master's program admission, I am transforming this website into a giant showcasing of me. Might as well get a head start!

99.9% of the content on this website is open domain 
Most of it is sourced from,, or the prelinger archives at

My Resume - 

- Robo Depot -


Tel: 907-500-5042


7110 Jones Circle, Apt #9

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